School Facilities

Use of School Buildings Outside School Hours Hire Agreement Form

The use of school buildings, grounds, and school property outside of school hours must be authorised by the office administrator, who is delegated authority for hall hire by the board of trustees. The board will set appropriate charges including insurance.

Anyone using the school buildings must abide by the school's policy regarding alcohol on school property, and smokefree school status. Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere on the school grounds at any time.

Outside organisations and members of the community who want to hire the school facilities must write to the office administrator. The office administrator will consider each application and respond in writing.

Organisers of functions on school property must send a written request to the board of trustees if they wish to serve alcohol or allow BYO at any function. The organisers must have this consent before any alcohol is consumed.

Considerations will include:

The following facilities are available for hire

Room 5

(This facility offered to approved community organisations and groups only)


A bond of $300 is payable for the hire of the hall

A discounted rate (one third) will be offered to individuals and groups where there is a direct benefit to students, staff, trustees and parents/caregivers.